Black Salt – Kala Namak

Some facts about black salt Black salt, also known as kala namak, is a type of rock salt that is dark purple to black in color. It is widely used in South Asian cuisines and is renowned for its unique flavor and potential health benefits. Here are some facts about black salt: Mineral Content: Black salt contains various essential minerals, including iron, sulfur, and other trace elements. These minerals contribute to its distinctive color and flavor. Sulfurous Aroma: One of the most distinctive features of black salt is its sulfurous aroma, which comes from the presence of sulfur compounds. This aroma is often described as being similar to hard-boiled eggs. Digestive Aid: In traditional medicine, black salt is believed to have digestive properties and is sometimes used to alleviate digestive issues. It is thought to help stimulate digestion and relieve bloating. Low Sodium Content: While it does contain sodium like regular table salt, black salt is often considered to have a lower sodium content. However, it's essential to consume all types of salt in moderation. Culinary Uses: Black salt is a popular ingredient in South Asian cuisines, particularly in Indian dishes. It is often used in chaats, chutneys, and various spice blends, adding a distinct savory and umami flavor. Vegan Egg Substitute: Due to its sulfurous flavor, black salt is sometimes used in vegan and vegetarian cooking to mimic the taste of eggs. It is added to dishes like tofu scrambles and vegan omelets. Ayurvedic Medicine: In Ayurveda,…

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Inflammatory arthritis and Ayurveda

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Arthrite inflammatoire et Ayurveda Lexique Terme en Sanskrit Signification   Dosha Element    Vata Wind-air-space-ether   Pita Fire   Kapha Earth   Agni Digestive Fire   Amas Toxins   Triphala Medicinale mixture of 3 fruits :Amalaki + Bibhitaki + Karitaki Used in the case of inflammatory diseases, constipation, certain cancers Dashamula Mixture of several Ayurvedic herbs Used in the case of inflammatory diseases Mahanarayan Shatavari oil Used to improve flexibility, reduce stiffness and pain Narayan Ashwagandha oil Used for muscle and joint pain. Improves circulation   Introduction  Inflammatory arthritis is a chronic diseaseArthritis and is a 'Vata' disease that affects the joints.  Degeneration, weakening and pain. In Ayurveda, bones are considered a ‘Vata’ type element. Causes of disease The factors are internal and external and the disease develops more in windy climates. It is due to weak 'Agni' and poor digestion which cause the accumulation of 'Mass' which goes into the organs, joints, bones, cells... Poor functioning of the colon allows toxins to be transported to the joints and jointsImmune system imbalance Treatment In Ayurveda, bones reflect the health of the colon and it is therefore this that will need to be treated.           If constipation: take 2 to 5 grams of Triphala before sleep. Intestinal enemas based on a decoction of Dashamula After intestinal cleansing, tone the colon by infiltrating 1 cup of lukewarm water mixed with 1 or 2 tablespoons  of lukewarm sesame oil  ou Narayan ou Mahanarayan. Keep in the colon…

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What are the Doshas in Ayurveda

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Ayurveda et Doshas
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  • Reading time:2 mins read

Les 3 Doshas - Vata, Pita, Kapha In Ayurveda, the doshas are the three fundamental forces or energies that govern the functioning of the human body. Ayurveda is a traditional system of medicine originating in ancient India that aims to maintain balance between these doshas to ensure optimal health. We are all made up of 2 Doshas and the possible combinations are as follows with one of the 2 doshas predominating:Vata PitaVata KaphaPita KaphaKapha VataIt is extremely rare to be composed of a single Dosha.The three doshas are as followsVataThis is the dosha associated with the elements of air and ether (space). Vata is responsible for mobility, movement and communication in the body. It controls functions such as breathing, circulation, digestion and elimination. A person who is Vata dominant will generally have a thin body, dry skin, creaky joints, and fluctuating energy.PittaThis dosha is associated with the elements of fire and water. Pitta is responsible for metabolic processes, digestion, transformation and regulation of body temperature. A person dominated by Pitta will generally have a more athletic build, sensitive skin, powerful digestion and an energetic temperament.KaphaThe Kapha dosha is associated with the elements of earth and water. Kapha is responsible for the structure, stability and lubrication of the body. It regulates growth, maintenance of body tissues and provides resistance to diseases. A person dominated by Kapha will generally have a heavier body, oily skin, slow digestion, and a calm temperament.Each individual has a unique combination of these doshas, ​​which…

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