What are the Indriyas ?

In Hindu and yogic philosophy, "indriyas" refer to the senses or faculties through which individuals perceive and interact with the external world. The term "indriya" is derived from the Sanskrit word "indri," meaning power or capacity. According to classical texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Vedanta, there are typically considered to be ten indriyas, which are divided into two categories: Jnanendriyas (Sensory Organs of Perception):   These are the faculties responsible for perceiving external stimuli or objects. Shrotra (Hearing) - Ears Tvak (Touch) - Skin Chakshu (Seeing) - Eyes Rasana (Tasting) - Tongue Ghrana (Smelling) - Nose Karmendriyas (Organs of Action): These are the faculties responsible for engaging with the external world through action. Vak (Speaking) - Mouth Pani (Grasping) - Hands Pada (Moving) - Feet Payu (Eliminating) - Anus Upastha (Reproductive) - Genitals Indriyas play a crucial role in the process of perception and interaction, allowing individuals to gather information about their environment and respond accordingly. In yogic and spiritual practices, the cultivation of awareness and control over the indriyas is often emphasized as a means of achieving mental clarity, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

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Why consult a yoga Psychology Counselor?

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Yoga Psychology

A yoga psychology counselor can offer a unique and holistic approach to addressing mental, emotional and psychological well-being. Here are some reasons why you might consider seeing a yoga psychology counselor: Holistic approach A yoga psychology counselor combines traditional psychological techniques with yogic principles and practices. This holistic approach considers not only the mind but also the body and spirit, aiming to create balance and harmony. Mind-body connection Yoga psychology recognizes the close connection between mind and body. Counselors in this area help you explore how physical sensations, emotions, and thoughts are interconnected, and they use yoga practices and other techniques to enhance this mind-body awareness. Stress and anxiety management Yoga and mindfulness practices taught by yoga psychology counselors can be effective in managing stress and anxiety. Techniques like deep breathing, meditation and yoga postures can help regulate the nervous system and promote relaxation. Self-consciousness Yogic psychology encourages self-reflection and self-awareness. The counselor can guide you in exploring your thoughts, emotions and behaviors without judgment, leading to a deeper understanding of yourself. Emotional regulation Yogic psychology teaches techniques for managing emotions and reactions. Breathing exercises and mindfulness practices can help you meet challenges in a more balanced and composed way. Trauma Recovery Some yoga psychology counselors specialize in trauma-informed practices. Yoga and mindfulness can provide tools for processing and healing from trauma by creating a safe space to reconnect with your body and emotions. Personal growth yogic psychology is not just about problem solving; it also focuses on…

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The ABCDE model in psychology

Nos croyances et le modèle ABCDE Qu'est ce qui crée nos croyances et notre facon de réagir face à telle ou telle situation ? Des événements passés depuis le moment de notre conception. Ces événements ont généré en nous des pensées (positives ou négatives) selon lesquelles nous avons forgé notre caractère, nos pensées et nos réactions. Est-il possible de changer ? Oui. Il suffit d'abord de d'identifier les éléments négatifs qui nous empêchent de progresser ou génèrent des situations non désirées. Ceci peut se faire au travers de thérapies, de coaching en utilisant différente techniques et bien sûr, de votre volonté à vouloir ce changement. Le modèle ABCDE En psychologie, le modèle ABCDE est utilisé dans le cadre de la thérapie cognitive-comportementale. Il est souvent utilisé pour examiner et comprendre les pensées, les émotions et les comportements d'une personne dans des situations stressantes ou problématiques. Chaque lettre représente une composante clé de ce modèle : A : Activation : il s'agit des situations, des événements ou des stimulis qui déclenchent une réponse émotionnelle ou un comportement chez une personne. Des événements qui sont arrivés à une période de la vie et qui ont généré une croyance qui aujourd'hui fait parti de la personnalité; B : (Beliefs) Croyances : les croyances sont les pensées ou les interprétations de la situation qui influencent les émotions et les comportements (croyances qui sont nées lors de l'Activation citée ci-dessus). C : Conséquences : ce sont les émotions, les sensations physiques ou les…

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What are the techniques used in NLP (Neuro linguistic programming) ?

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a psychological approach that offers different techniques to facilitate personal change and improve communication. Here are some of the commonly used techniques in NLP: 1 - Anchoring This technique involves associating an emotional response or internal state with a specific stimulus, such as an image, sound or gesture, so that it can be recalled later and used to induce that state. 2 - Reframing This involves changing the perception of a situation by modifying the way in which it is mentally framed. This allows you to see things from a different perspective and adopt a more positive or constructive perspective. 3 - Modeling Modeling involves studying and replicating the behaviors and strategies of people who excel in a specific area. By identifying patterns of success, one can learn to replicate them to achieve similar results. 4 - Anchoring Strategies This technique uses specific sequences of mental, emotional, and behavioral steps to achieve a particular goal. By identifying the internal strategies used by successful people in a given area, one can use them to improve one's own performance. 5 - Calibration This involves developing increased sensitivity to the non-verbal cues and micro-expressions of others in order to better understand their internal states and improve the quality of communication. 6 - Dissociation This technique consists of taking an emotional step back from a traumatic experience or a stressful situation by mentally visualizing yourself as an outside observer. This helps reduce the emotional impact and makes problem…

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