Kids doing Yoga

Why Yoga for kids ?

Yoga for kids is a pedagogic form of yoga designed to be engaging, fun, and age-appropriate for children. It incorporates yoga poses, breathing exercises, and mindfulness activities in a way that is accessible and enjoyable for young practitioners. Here are some key aspects of yoga for kids:

  1. Simple Poses: Kid-friendly yoga poses. These poses improve flexibility, balance, and strength, while keeping in mind the playful nature and developing bodies of children.

  2. Storytelling and Themes: Yoga for kids incorporate storytelling and themes to make the practice more interesting. For example, a yoga class might revolve around animal’s theme, with poses imitating animals.

  3. Breathing Exercises: Teaching children how to focus on their breath is a fundamental aspect of yoga. Simple breathing exercises are introduced to help kids develop awareness of their breath and learn how to use it for relaxation and concentration.

  4. Games and Activities: Yoga for kids involves games and activities that make the practice interactive and enjoyable. 

  5. Mindfulness and Relaxation: The practice emphasizes mindfulness and relaxation techniques tailored to children. This may include guided visualizations, meditation, or relaxation exercises to help children manage stress and develop a sense of calm.

  6. Social and Emotional Learning: Yoga for kids can also incorporate social and emotional learning components. This may involve discussions or activities that promote positive values such as kindness, empathy, and self-awareness.

  7. Adaptability: Yoga for kids is adaptable to different age groups and abilities. I teach yoga to kids from the age of 2 to the age of 17.  Classes are tailored according to the class age ranges.

Yoga for kids is not only a physical activity but also a holistic approach to promote overall well-being, mental health, emotional balance better focus and better results at school. It provides children with tools to manage stress, build self-confidence, and develop healthy habits from a young age.