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Exploring the Vrittis to understand their connection to the chakras

In Yogic philosophy, the mind is said to exhibit various modifications/processes/fluctuations known as ‘Vrittis’ or ‘Vrttis’. We can also says that these vrittis are mental states and tendencies that individuals may experience.

Each of the 7 main chaktras is associated with a specific number of lotus petal and each petal represents a Vrittis. 

If a chakra is imbalanced, the psychological/emotional impact would be linked to the vritti(s) of the related chakra. 

During Yoga Psychology Counseling sessions, we work together, we explore your consciousness and subconsciousness to discover your emotions & hidden traumas. Yogic tools are used to balance and bring back an equilibrium state, find wellness and hapiness. Yes, if is efficient and life changing. 

During therapy sessions through yogic psychology, we work together, we explore your consciousness and your subconscious to discover your hidden emotions and traumas. Yogic tools are used to balance and restore a state of balance, regain well-being and happiness. Yes, it is effective and life-changing.

For a yogic psychology appointment (in person or remotely), you can contact me HERE

Muladhara Chakra (Root Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 4 –> 4 Vrittis:

  1. Kama (physical desires),
  2. Artha (desire for material prosperity),
  3. Dharma (desire for social justice),
  4. Mosksha (desire for spirital liberation)

Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 6 –> 6 Vrittis:

  1. Avajina (disdain),
  2. Murcha (Stupor),
  3. Prashraya (over indulgence),
  4. Avishvasa (lack of confidence),
  5. Sarvanasha (fear, inability to take action),
  6. Krurata (cruelty)

Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 10 –> 10 vrittis

  1. Lajja (shame, bashfulness),
  2. Pishunata (sadistic tendancies),
  3. Iirsa (Jealousy, envy),
  4. Susupty (lethargy, laziness),
  5. Visada (Sadness, depression),
  6. Kasaya (irritability),
  7. Trsna (Aspiration for power),
  8. Moha (Attachement to material),
  9. Ghrna (hatred, repulsion),
  10. Bhaya (fear)

Anahata Chakra (Heart Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 12 –> 12 Vrittis:

  1. Asha (hope),
  2. Cinta (anxiety),
  3. Cesta (effort),
  4. Mamata (love, possessiveness),
  5. Dambha (vanity, pride),
  6. Viveka (discernment),
  7. Vikalatah (psychological depression),
  8. Ahamkara (ego),
  9. lolata (cupidity),
  10. Kapatah (hypocrisy)
  11. Vitarka (argumentativeness),
  12. Anutapa (regret)

Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Chakra):

Vishuddha chakra is the house of Lord Shiva and the seat of arts like music. There are also animal’s characteristics associated to these vrittis.

Lotus Petals: 16 –> 16 Vrittis:

  1. Sadaja (vibrancy), (do), (peacock),
  2. Rsabha (relief), (re), (bull),
  3. Gandhara (calm), (mi), (goat),
  4. Madhyama (peace), (fa), (horse),
  5. Painchama (hapiness), (sol), (cuckoo),
  6. Dhaevata (softness), (la), (donkey),
  7. Nisada (tenderness), (si), (elephant),
  8. Aum (the sound of the creation, conservation and dissolution),
  9. Hum (climbing kundalini sound),
  10. Phat (root sound of activation),
  11. Vaosat (root sound of physical wellness),
  12. Vasatha (root sound of mental wellness),
  13. Svaha(root sound of universal wellness),
  14. Namah (root sound of devotion to supreme),
  15. Visa (root sound of mean expression)
  16. Amrta (root sound of softness and attraction)

Ajna Chakra (Third Eye Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 2 –> 2 Vrittis:

  1. Para (Spiritual knowledge. It uplifts lower vrittis toward divine experiences. This resides on the left side, aligned with Ida nadi. When the left nostril dominates, this vritti prevails, elevating the mind to a heightened state of consciousness).
  2. Apara (Temporal & material knowledge). It lowers the vrittis toward worldly pleasures. Situated on the right side, it aligns with Pingala nadi. When the right nostril takes precendence, this vritti becomes prominent).

Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra):

Lotus Petals: 1,000 –> 1000 Vrittis:

Sahasrara chakra contains the seeds of all the vrittis from all the chakras. 50 vrittis, expressed through 10 indriyas (senses of perception and organs of action) in both  internal and external manor. This leads us to 1000 vrittis.  


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