The core principles of naturopathy

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Why you should consider naturopathy ? Naturopathy offers a holistic approach to health, addressing the root causes of illness rather than just treating symptoms. Naturopathy is completely in line with yogic life style and should also be consider by everybody. Its focus on natural therapies promotes the body's self-healing mechanisms, often resulting in fewer side effects compared to conventional treatments. Naturopathy emphasizes personalized care, tailoring treatment plans to individual needs and preferences. By emphasizing preventive measures and lifestyle modifications, naturopathy empowers individuals to take charge of their health and well-being. Integrating with conventional medicine, naturopathy provides complementary options for those seeking a comprehensive approach to healthcare. The 6 naturopathy principles The six principles of naturopathy form the foundational framework guiding naturopathic philosophy and practice. Rooted in the belief in the body's innate healing ability, these principles emphasize treating the whole person, identifying and addressing the root causes of illness, and prioritizing preventive measures to foster optimal health and well-being. Through these guiding principles, naturopathy seeks to empower individuals to take an active role in their health journey and achieve holistic balance. The Healing Power of Nature: Naturopathy believes in the body's inherent ability to heal itself. Naturopathic practitioners aim to support and facilitate this natural healing process using natural therapies. Identify and Treat the Cause: Rather than merely alleviating symptoms, naturopathy seeks to address the underlying causes of illness. By identifying and treating the root cause, long-term health and wellness can be achieved. First, Do No Harm: Naturopaths…

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What are the Indriyas ?

In Hindu and yogic philosophy, "indriyas" refer to the senses or faculties through which individuals perceive and interact with the external world. The term "indriya" is derived from the Sanskrit word "indri," meaning power or capacity. According to classical texts such as the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and the Vedanta, there are typically considered to be ten indriyas, which are divided into two categories: Jnanendriyas (Sensory Organs of Perception):   These are the faculties responsible for perceiving external stimuli or objects. Shrotra (Hearing) - Ears Tvak (Touch) - Skin Chakshu (Seeing) - Eyes Rasana (Tasting) - Tongue Ghrana (Smelling) - Nose Karmendriyas (Organs of Action): These are the faculties responsible for engaging with the external world through action. Vak (Speaking) - Mouth Pani (Grasping) - Hands Pada (Moving) - Feet Payu (Eliminating) - Anus Upastha (Reproductive) - Genitals Indriyas play a crucial role in the process of perception and interaction, allowing individuals to gather information about their environment and respond accordingly. In yogic and spiritual practices, the cultivation of awareness and control over the indriyas is often emphasized as a means of achieving mental clarity, self-awareness, and spiritual growth.

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Explorer les Vrittis pour comprendre leur lien avec les chakras – Version Française

Dans la philosophie yogique, on dit que l’esprit présente diverses modifications/processus/fluctuations connues sous le nom de « Vrittis » ou « Vrttis ». On peut aussi dire que ces vrittis sont des états mentaux et des tendances que les individus peuvent ressentir. La liste ci-dessous comprend les vrittis en Sanscrit ainsi que la traduction française entre parenthèses. Chacun des 7 chakras principaux est associé à un nombre spécifique de pétales de lotus et chaque pétale représente un Vrittis. Si un chakra est déséquilibré, l’impact psychologique/émotionnel serait lié au(x) vritti(s) du chakra concerné.  Lors des séances de thérapies par le biais de la psychologie yogique, nous travaillons ensemble, nous explorons votre conscience et votre subconscient pour découvrir vos émotions et vos traumatismes cachés. Les outils yogiques sont utilisés pour équilibrer et rétablir un état d'équilibre, retrouver le bien-être et le bonheur. Oui, c'est efficace et cela change la vie. Pour un RDV de psychologie yogique (en présentiel ou en distanciel), vous pouvez me contacter ICI 1er - Chakra Muladhara (Chakra racine)  Pétales de Lotus : 4 -> 4 Vrittis : Kama (désirs physiques),Artha (désir de prospérité matérielle),Dharma (désir de justice sociale),Mosksha (désir de libération spirituelle) 2 ème -  Chakra Svadhishthana (Chakra sacré)  Pétales de Lotus : 6 -> 6 Vrittis : Avajina (dédain),Murcha (Stupeur),Prashraya (par indulgence),Avishvasa (manque de confiance),Sarvanasha (peur, incapacité à agir),Krurata (cruauté) 3 ème - Chakra Manipura (Chakra du plexus solaire)  Pétales de Lotus : 10 -> 10 vrittis Lajja (honte, pudeur),Pishunata (tendances sadiques),Iirsa (jalousie, envie),Susupty (léthargie, paresse),Visada (Tristesse, dépression),Kasaya (irritabilité),Trsna (Aspiration…

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Exploring the Vrittis to understand their connection to the chakras

In Yogic philosophy, the mind is said to exhibit various modifications/processes/fluctuations known as 'Vrittis' or 'Vrttis'. We can also says that these vrittis are mental states and tendencies that individuals may experience. Each of the 7 main chaktras is associated with a specific number of lotus petal and each petal represents a Vrittis.  If a chakra is imbalanced, the psychological/emotional impact would be linked to the vritti(s) of the related chakra.  During Yoga Psychology Counseling sessions, we work together, we explore your consciousness and subconsciousness to discover your emotions & hidden traumas. Yogic tools are used to balance and bring back an equilibrium state, find wellness and hapiness. Yes, if is efficient and life changing.  During therapy sessions through yogic psychology, we work together, we explore your consciousness and your subconscious to discover your hidden emotions and traumas. Yogic tools are used to balance and restore a state of balance, regain well-being and happiness. Yes, it is effective and life-changing. For a yogic psychology appointment (in person or remotely), you can contact me HEREMuladhara Chakra (Root Chakra): Lotus Petals: 4 --> 4 Vrittis: Kama (physical desires), Artha (desire for material prosperity), Dharma (desire for social justice), Mosksha (desire for spirital liberation) Svadhishthana Chakra (Sacral Chakra): Lotus Petals: 6 --> 6 Vrittis: Avajina (disdain), Murcha (Stupor), Prashraya (over indulgence), Avishvasa (lack of confidence), Sarvanasha (fear, inability to take action), Krurata (cruelty) Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra): Lotus Petals: 10 --> 10 vrittis Lajja (shame, bashfulness), Pishunata (sadistic tendancies), Iirsa (Jealousy,…

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Aloe Vera, detox and weight loss

In a time where our health and well-being take center stage, it's no surprise that we're looking for natural methods to detoxify our bodies and achieve our weight loss goals. Aloe vera, a plant with multiple virtues, emerges as a precious ally in this quest. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of aloe vera for detoxification and weight loss in depth, with a focus on the benefits and ways to intelligently incorporate it into your routine. The Benefits of Aloe Vera for Detoxification Aloe vera, known for centuries for its soothing and healing properties, also has detoxifying qualities that can benefit your body. Here's how : Elimination of Toxins Aloe vera contains natural compounds that help stimulate the functioning of the liver, the key organ of detoxification. These compounds promote the elimination of accumulated toxins in the body, which can improve your overall well-being. Healthy Digestion Healthy digestion is essential to eliminate waste from the body. Aloe vera can soothe inflammation in the digestive system, promoting efficient and regular digestion. Aloe Vera for Weight Loss If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy and natural way, aloe vera can also play a crucial role. Here's how : Metabolism Stimulation Certain compounds in aloe vera have been associated with accelerating metabolism. A faster metabolism can promote calorie burning and contribute to weight loss. Reducing Inflammation Chronic inflammation can be a barrier to weight loss. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera can help reduce swelling and aid…

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Cours de Yoga

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Cours de Yoga - Planning du mois de septembre 2023 Cours de yoga tous les jours en petits groupes (max 3 personnes) Tarifs ICI Les cours sont en petits groupes de maximum 3 personnes, ce pourquoi je vous remercie réserver (sélectionner cours de yoga en présentiel) ICI 

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Les bienfaits de l’aloe vera

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  • Post category:Aloe Vera
  • Reading time:3 mins read

Les vertus de l'aloe vera L'aloe vera est une plante succulente largement utilisée pour ses bienfaits médicinaux et cosmétiques. Voici quelques-uns de ses principaux bienfaits : Hydratation de la peau : L'aloe vera est très efficace pour hydrater la peau. Il pénètre rapidement et aide à maintenir l'hydratation, ce qui peut aider à prévenir la sécheresse cutanée et les problèmes associés tels que les démangeaisons et les irritations. Cicatrisation des plaies : L'aloe vera a des propriétés cicatrisantes et anti-inflammatoires. Il peut être appliqué sur des brûlures légères, des écorchures, des coupures et des plaies pour favoriser la guérison et réduire l'inflammation. Soulagement des coups de soleil : L'aloe vera est souvent utilisé pour apaiser les coups de soleil. Il a un effet rafraîchissant et aide à réduire l'inflammation et les rougeurs causées par l'exposition excessive au soleil. Propriétés anti-âge : L'aloe vera est riche en antioxydants, ce qui lui confère des propriétés anti-âge. Il peut aider à réduire l'apparence des rides, des ridules et des taches de vieillesse, et favoriser l'élasticité de la peau. Soulagement des problèmes de peau : L'aloe vera est bénéfique pour divers problèmes de peau tels que l'acné, l'eczéma, le psoriasis et les démangeaisons. Ses propriétés anti-inflammatoires et apaisantes aident à réduire l'irritation et l'inflammation associées à ces affections. Soin des cheveux : L'aloe vera peut être utilisé pour améliorer la santé des cheveux. Il peut aider à réduire les pellicules, à apaiser le cuir chevelu irrité, à favoriser la croissance des cheveux…

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