Why is it important to practice yoga during pregnancy ?


Yoga during pregnancy offers many benefits. Here is why it is beneficial:

  1. Stress management and relaxation: Yoga helps reduce stress and promotes relaxation. Breathing and meditation techniques are especially helpful during pregnancy.
  2. Flexibility and relaxation: Yoga postures help maintain body flexibility, relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation. This can be very beneficial for pregnant women who may experience back pain or heavy legs.
  3. Strengthening the perineum and pelvis: Yoga specifically targets the perineum and pelvis, which is essential during pregnancy and childbirth. Certain yoga positions help prepare the body for childbirth.
  4. Creating social connections: Prenatal yoga classes allow pregnant women to connect with other expectant mothers. This creates a feeling of community and mutual support, where they can share their experiences and concerns.
  5. Self-confidence and feminine power: Yoga taught correctly builds self-confidence and inner strength. Breathing techniques and postures help women feel comfortable in their bodies and mentally prepare for childbirth.

In summary, yoga during pregnancy is a wonderful way to take care of yourself, stay active and prepare for the arrival of your baby. It is important to take classes adapted to pregnant women and to listen to your body throughout the practice.


How does a prenatal yoga class take place ?

A prenatal yoga class lasts 1 hour. The style of yoga practiced is Hatha yoga. This course includes:

1.Practice time :

  • Suitable postures: Yoga postures are specifically adapted to each pregnant woman depending on her stage of pregnancy. They aim to maintain flexibility, relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation.

The 1st trimester

  • Do not practice abdominal twists such as Marichyasana 2 and 3. Upper back twists can be practiced.
  • Do not practice inversions such as headstands.

Le 2st trimester

Same recommendations as for the 1st trimester with the addition of:

  • It is advisable to practice balance postures, Vrksasana, the tree for example near a wall.
    For forward bend postures like uttanasana, standing forward bend,  spread your legs hip-width apart.
  • It is likely that postures lying on your stomach such as Bhujangasana, the cobra, become uncomfortable and should therefore be avoided.
  • Backward hunched postures can become uncomfortable. They can be done in a light way.

Le 3rd trimester

Same recommendations as for the 1st and 2nd trimesters with the addition of:

  • Favor stretching (especially in the pelvis) and meditative postures on the ground.
  • No intense postures.
  • No cardio.
  • Breathing: Breathing exercises (pranayama) are incorporated to help manage stress, relax the body and connect with the baby.
  • Perineum work and pelvic tilt: These exercises strengthen the perineum and prepare the body for childbirth.
  • Relaxation and relaxation: The session ends with a time of relaxation to soothe the mind and body.                                                     

2. A time for discussion:

  • It is a time to ask questions express concerns and create an atmosphere of mutual support.

Prenatal yoga offers a valuable opportunity to feel in harmony with your changing body, prepare for childbirth and share moments of well-being with other mothers-to-be.